31 Stream Lane
Levittown, PA 19055
[email protected]
Dear Praying Friends,
Greetings in His matchless Name!
I know, I know…you thought we had been abducted by an alien aircraft. But not so! We are still on planet earth, though we would rather be in the 3rdheaven with our Savior. I apologize for procrastinating in getting this newsletter out to you. I can’t even use the excuse that we have been all that busy…except for health issues, being a caregiver for Shirley, cleaning house, grocery shopping, etc. Oops, I can’t use those excuses because that would be true of most of you too. In any event we thought we owed you a (past due) update.
I am not involved in many meetings these days since we decided after Shirley’s last hospitalization and nursing home adventure to only take meetings close to home or where we can stay overnight on Sat. and Sun. when preaching and teaching S.S., AM & PM services.
Shirley is in a wheelchair whenever we leave the house. She can still get around the house using the walker, praise the Lord! There was a time she couldn’t do that. As you may recall I made the decision, against doctor’s orders, to bring her home from the nursing home as soon as she was able to transfer with my help. I am so glad that I did. And so is she! We are doing pretty good, thanks to friends at our church and family members who prepare meals for us. (I don’t cook, as you may know, and I am too old [or stubborn] to learn now at age 83!)Shirley’s health is like a yo yo – up and down – about 50/50. Her diabetes is one problem with her sugar fluctuating high and low, but the main issue she has is terrible, excruciating pain from her polymyalgia rheumatica. This is a daily battle. She is now on oxycodone 4 times a day. It is a low dose and it doesn’t always help, but it is all the Dr. will give her, after trying to use Tylenol with codeine without effect. The pain she endures is beyond my imagination. It can be totally debilitating at times. When that happens she just curls up and goes to bed for hours.
We have had two robberies (or more politically correct – “home invasions”). The first one took place when we were in Florida to see our grand and great grand children – a trip I promised Shirley if she got out of the nursing home. That was back in June. That one was devastating in that the thief stole a LARGE sum of money I had hidden in the house due to some impending health related bills. The second one took place when we were away for the weekend in Easton preaching for our close friends, Pastor & Mrs. Gilmore, celebrating their 50thwedding anniversary and the renewal of their vows, which I performed for them. This time they jimmied the back door to our home and took a small safe filled with important papers (no money this time, although they apparently thought so). It is obviously someone who knows our schedule and sees when we are packing to go away. We have no clue at this point. We have changed locks and installed a video surveillance system. (After the horse is gone from the barn!)
I am still teaching the adult Sunday School class in our church and preaching one Sunday night each month, thanks to the generosity of our great pastor, Louis Guarneri of the Straightway Baptist Church in Lawrence, N.J. I know that I am not as sharp as I once was (or thought I was), but he and the congregation put up with me and Shirley and we love our friends there. We enjoy the services and are active in all the services. It is a really RARE occasion when Shirley can’t make a service in spite of her health issues. Many times when she is having pain I will ask her if she prefers to say home, but she always declines. In fact, though she has crooked fingers due to arthritis, she still plays an upright piano for all the services. She may make a mistake here and there but it is covered up by a young woman who plays well with her on the main baby grand piano.
I also make the welcome slides for every service using Power Point. I try to make them seasonally appropriate and advertise the upcoming events at our church as well as the pastor’s message titles, etc. I enjoy working and studying is a passion for me. I am an avid reader and a World War II buff and so I not only read for lesson and message preparation but for my personal enjoyment.
Our nation is in a mess! Please join with me DAILY in prayer for the divisiveness, mayhem, terrorism, et. al. The Bible prophesies that in the last days things will“wax worse and worse”and I believe we are seeing it now. There are also hot spots all over the globe and several entities could easily cause havoc or worse if their leadership fails them (and us). God’s plan of course focuses on His chosen nation, Israel, and missiles and arms are aimed at that tiny piece of geography. Anti-Semitism is on the rise world wide.(As goes Israel so goes the world!)The Rapture could take place at any moment and for the first time in human history the nations in Ezekiel 37-39 are poised for the battle of Gog and Magog. I used to think that war would be within the Tribulation Period, but it could begin any day, with Russia thirsting for oil, the Arab world focused on destroying the nation and Islam on the march. Even the“kings of the east”are positioning themselves against Israel (and America). The Church of Christ is weakening each day with the feel good messages (think Mr. Smileyface – Joel Osteen, et.al.). contemporary music, watered down gospel (repentance is rarely mentioned), live-as-you-please Christianity, toning down of Christian standards, etc., etc.“Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!”
Sincerely in the Savior,
Pastor (emeritus) Paul C. Fedena