"About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the Prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition."
– Sir Issac Newton
– Sir Issac Newton
End Times Markers in 2021
We're seeing an accelerated increase of prophetic events!
In retrospect, it would seem that many of these events are foreshadowing larger-scale versions of the same events that will happen during the Tribulation, sort of like ‘sneak previews’. These relatively smaller-scale events reflect God’s mercy, as they can be considered examples of God telling all of us, “this is your last warning”. People would be wise to heed these last warnings and acknowledge the Creator of the Universe for who he says he is, and believe that the plans he has laid out for us in the Bible will be carried out.
A few examples of ‘sneak previews’ include:
In retrospect, it would seem that many of these events are foreshadowing larger-scale versions of the same events that will happen during the Tribulation, sort of like ‘sneak previews’. These relatively smaller-scale events reflect God’s mercy, as they can be considered examples of God telling all of us, “this is your last warning”. People would be wise to heed these last warnings and acknowledge the Creator of the Universe for who he says he is, and believe that the plans he has laid out for us in the Bible will be carried out.
A few examples of ‘sneak previews’ include:
- The sun has turned black as sackcloth which suggests solar eclipses.
- The moon has turned blood red which suggests lunar eclipses.
- Pestilence inludes Coronavirus (Covid-19), SARs, MERs, Ebola, and even Influenza.
- Plagues include the swarms of billions of locusts devouring crops in Africa, the Middle East, and now Asia.
- Christians are being beheaded for testimony that Jesus, is the Son of God, God in the Flesh, and Savior of Mankind.
- The astronomical alignment of September 23, 2017, could not have been more closely aligned with the description of the pregnant woman who gives birth to a male child in Revelation 12.
- Licentiousness is prolific. Pornography is free, dating apps like Tinder are being used for extra-marital flings, and human trafficking of women and even children for the sex trade is everywhere.
- Abortions are being celebrated and laws are passed that allow a child to be aborted (murdered) up until the point of birth.
- Witchcraft is flourishing.
- Homosexuality has been relentlessly promoted as normal and acceptable to the point that our country now has an unabashed homosexual running for president.
- The promotion of Transgenderism has crossed the line of just being ridiculous to being completely insane.
- Every major ecclesiastical denomination has experienced a split over issues that either involves women clergy and/or homosexual clergy.
- The stream of deception and fake news being reported by major media outlets is relentless. People are believing lies without question.
- The legalization of all kinds of drugs for recreational use is being voter-approved across the country.
- Major earthquakes have been rocking various places throughout the world.
- Multiple volcanoes are now actively erupting.
- The U.S. government has acknowledged that there really is something to all of the reports of UFOs and alien encounters over the last several decades.
- Turkey, Russia, and Iran have formed an alliance for the first time in history.
- Large asteroids have zipped through space barely missing our little spec of a planet.