TEXT: John 15:26, 27
THESIS: To reveal the ministries of "Jesus' Replacements", the Comforter & the Christian.
A.Three tremendous truths are taught in this transition chapter of John 15:
1. The relationship of the believer to Christ: that of a branch to the vine ("abide" = key concept) 2. The relationship of the believer to other believers: There love for each other was to imitate His love for them. 3. The relationship of the believer to the world: They would be hated as He was hated & their witness would be rejected as His witness was rejected.
B. Jesus had been preparing His disciples for a ministry without His presence. He warned them that He would soon be gone, but He promised them a replacement for Himself.
🔅This passage speaks of "JESUS' REPLACEMENT" & their response.
A.The Two-Fold Title Of The Holy Spirit:
1. The "Comforter" emphasizes His ministry in the individual believer.
NOTE: In the context, He would be the one to comfort the disciples' grief at the death & departure of Christ. Our emphasis when using this name is usually related to death & sorrow. Biblically this name is to be associated with life & joy.
2. The "Spirit of Truth" emphasizes His ministry in the revelation of all things relating to God, but specifically regarding the Scriptures (Cf. 16:13) .
B.The Two-Fold Transposition Of The Holy Spirit:
1. Sent by Christ: (Cf. 14:26)
NOTE: Here the Son is said to send the Spirit, & in 14:26 the Father is said to send Him. The ministries within the Godhead are inextricably bound together. What one member does the others have a part in. The mystery of the trinity, though not understood, must nevertheless be accepted. The Roman & Greek "church" split over their refusal to accept both statements as absolute & not conflicting truth.
2. Proceeding from the Father.
NOTE: The future tense is used ("will send"), not meaning that the Spirit had no previous earthly ministry, but rather that a new phase of His earthly ministry would soon begin. He would become uniquely the "Comforter" through His indwelling presence.
C.The Two-Fold Testimony Of The Holy Spirit:
1. The Testimony of The Scriptures: (Past)
a. The Holy Spirit directed the production of God's Word.
1)II Tim. 3:16"Given by inspiration of God" = one word in Greek: "Theopneustos".
NOTE: Literally, means God's breath or God's Spirit (Pneuma). Thus, the Old Testament Scriptures are directly the work of the Spirit, & He is the vehicle of the Divine "inspiration".
2)II Pet. 1:21"Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost"
NOTE: The Word of God is a cooperative effort between "holy men of God" & the "Holy Spirit". God moved men to pen His exact words. Our Bible is not God's Word in concept ("conceptual inspiration") but in every word!
b. The Holy Spirit directed the protection of God's Word.
NOTE: The Providential protection & preservation of the inspired Scriptures is an inherent & implied concept that ascribes to Deity omnipotence & intelligence. If God was capable of communication of His very words to man, it is obvious & true that He was capable of protecting & preserving what He inspired! (Ps. 12:6, 7; Prov. 30:5, 6)
2. The testimony of the Savior; "of Me" (Present)
a. It is further the Spirit's ministry to carry the truths of the Scriptures concerning the Savior to the human mind (illumination). b. The Holy Spirit is the Agent of interpretation of God's revelation of Christ in the Scriptures also. (I Cor. 2:12, 13)
ILLUS: Believers through the ages have understood God's Word through the internal witness of the Holy Spirit bearing witness to & giving understanding of God's external witness of His Word. 🔅This doctrine was revived after being eclipsed for centuries by the Roman Church & freed the Reformers from dependence upon the traditions & the decrees of Church councils. "Sola Scriptura" became their battle cry.
1) He gives comprehension. 2) He brings conviction.
NOTE: One definition of "revival" is "when large numbers are shaken by an awareness of sin & come under conviction of God's Spirit in order that they might move to a position of utter obedience & responsiveness to God". - Boice
3) He brings commitment.
ILLUS: Comprehension & conviction without commitment is inadequate. Cf. Ethiopian Eunuch. He read Scripture, received comprehension, came under conviction & then made a commitment (baptism).
A.A Vital Witness: "you shall bear witness"
1. Because the Spirit does, we must witness.
NOTE: Simply because one of the ministries of the Spirit is to "testify" of Christ does not let us off the hook! Rather, since He does, we must & only because of Him can we be assured of success.
2. Because His witness is true, ours must also be.
NOTE: A witness is not only someone who knows that something is true; he is someone who is prepared to say that he knows what is true.
B.A Verbal Witness;"ye have been with me..."
1. Assurance of the facts.
ILLUS:"No man or woman is truly converted who is not intellectually converted." - John R. W. Stott
2. Personal experience concerning those facts. 3. Verbalization of those facts.
CONCL: 💥Thus, the ministry of the Christian & the ministry of the Comforter are similar. 💥Both are to witness of Christ. Each is to complement the other's witness. 💥Both the Holy Spirit & the believer are "Jesus' Replacements" here on earth in His absence. 💥What kind of a witness are you?!
💥💥Unsaved, you cannot witness of that which you have no experiential knowledge of. Trust Him today, and then tell others.