On November 5, 1972 I was saved by the grace of God. A man I worked with (Mike Burgess) witnessed to me and invited me to his church. I finally decided to visit Calvary Baptist Church (Paul Fedena's old Church) in Glen Burnie, MD., where Mike went. When I walked in the building, with my scraggly long hair, I sat down in the back.
Suddenly, a brother and sister I knew, ran up and sat down with me. Clark and Shelley couldn't believe I was there sitting in church with them. They said they were there because their parents made them come. Shelley had a 'little' crush on me, but I was never interested in her, other than just a friend. Clark was a friend that I had hung around with, in the past.
During the preaching they were writing me notes and whispering nonsensical stuff to me. I finally told the to stop it, and they did. I didn't understand a word that Pastor Richard Seefried said that morning. But my heart was thumping, and my body shaking from the conviction of The Holy Spirit!
The invitation was given, and I wanted to run to the altar and throw myself unto the mercies of God! But pride and fear kept me from it. Clark and Shelley told me not to worry because, in time, the fear and dread will pass!
After the closing prayer I bee-lined for the door and parking lot, ready to be lost forever without Christ and God!
But then, a still small voice said, "You should at least go back in and thank Mike for inviting you to church." I was going to also tell him, "thanks, but no thanks..."! As I walked into the small foyer, I got backed into a corner! I was trapped with a big old gruff of a man, named George Losier! He held out his hand and said...
"what is your name, son?" "uh, Robbie Madden." "son, are you borned again?" "what is that?" "are you saved, son?" "if you died right now, where would you go?" "to hell, sir!" "would you like to be saved, and go to heaven?" "yes sir, i want to believe, and be saved, and go to heaven!"
Well, that was a glorious day for me! I went back to church that night, to get more of the Word and the fellowship of God's people! Lo and behold, when I got there, Mike didn't even know I was in church that morning and had gotten saved! (he was working children's-church) Even the members were shocked to see me that night! lol But they welcomed me like the father did for the prodigal son!
I went home that night and went into the living room, where my parents and eight brothers and sisters were watching television. So I waited for the commercial to come on. When it did, I announced to my family that I got saved that morning. I said I was sorry for all the evil I had done; and that I was changed by God's grace and would now be a better son, brother, and human being starting now!
My mother, sweetly said, I already was a Christian by being baptized, and by my confirmation into the Catholic church! My dad said, "that's fine Robbie, now turn the TV back on and get out of the way!" lol
I went into the basement where my bedroom was, and I cried, praised, and thanked the LORD throughout the night! I also listened to Bill Pierce, and his show 'Songs In Night'! Anybody remember that show??? 😊
Oh was my life changed forever, from that day on!
Yours In Christ, Rob Madden
PS. Remember Clark and Shelley?
Later I became friends with their mom and dad, whom were concerned deeply about their children's salvation. Merrill and his wife, Pearl, bought "Birdhaven," an arboretum estate on the Magothy River near Severna Park, MD.
They would invite me over, and I would sit with Dr. Merrill Unger in his massive theological library, and discuss his children and his theological books! At that time I was a 'babe' in Christ, and didn't fully understand his position in conservative Christianity! I saw them as kind and generous people, who helped to mentor me, and loved me very much!
They adopted their children, but loved them as their own. I know not what became of them. I can only hope they received Christ as their Savior! God loves you Clark and Shelley! I Would love to know you came to Christ! Your mom and dad loved you very much, and want you to be with them in heaven, for eternity!