- It's never too late to apologize or to forgive. - It's always best to right wrongs quickly. - Samson lost his life because of lust; Stephen lost his life because of loyalty; Jesus gave His life because of Love. - Christians seem satisfied with about 80% loyalty to the Lord, but would never be satisfied with 80% loyalty from their spouse. - Forget the "good old days” - if you are serving God now, these are your best days. - Our present state and conduct will determine our eternal home and rewards. - The believer sees death as a moving experience - moving to heaven. - What God has done for us should motivate us to do something for Him. - The believer can live a life of fear (not trusting the Lord), fact (living by his senses), feeling (living by emotions) or faith (living just trusting His Savior). - If our doctrine is right, we should not have a problem with our duty. - Don't crawl back into your rut after the revival. - To surrender means giving up something to gain something better. - Consecration is simply giving God what He already owns. - Peter's problems began when he distanced himself from the Savior. - The greatest threat to a flock is when the sheep ignore the shepherd. - It is wicked for a shepherd to neglect the sheep. - As now - so then! - Sins may be forgiven, but the scars may last a lifetime. - A faith that cannot be tested cannot be trusted. - Trouble and testing should never deter us from duty. - Store the Scriptures in your heart - you will need them when the storms come. - God does not necessarily lighten our load, He simply increases our strength. - Spiritual leadership is often lonely, but never a loss. - The simplest definition of revival is God's blessing and God's power. - The only thing better than revival is victory. - Revival stirs the heart, victory calms the heart. - The world doesn't like absolutes; the Bible is full of absolutes. - The opposite of straight is crooked - not 'gay'! - The opposite of right is wrong - not 'left'! - The opposite of conservative is extreme - not liberal! - The opposite of saved is lost - not confused or undecided! - The opposite of faith is unbelief - not doubt! - Don't prohibit what you don't provide. (Especially true with children.) - Breaking a vow is hypocrisy. - Cancel your debts to receive your rewards. - Never place impulse over faith. - A Bible command never warrants a vote. - Whenever God's will is put up for a vote, God's will is voted down. - Everything this side of hell is mercy and grace. - We shouldn't thank God because everything is good, but because He is good. - The remedy for fear is faith. - One victory does not cure unbelief. - Miracles do not produce faith. - Music and entertainment are no substitute for God's Word. - Many believers heads are filled with truth, but their lives are devoid of Spirit fulness. - Heresy is simply truth out of balance. - Biblical unity is based on truth - not experience. - Love without truth leads to emotionalism and heresy. - Some preaching binds people to a man - great preaching binds men to God. - Your lifestyle can neutralize your witness. - God can do the impossible with the improbable. - In effective ministry there must be a connection between duty and love. - Those who look for what they can get instead of what they can give soon drop out. - Instead of asking "Why me?" we should ask "Why not me?" - If God exempted His children from trouble everyone would sign up for salvation for the wrong reason. - We prove our love for Him by our positive response to trouble. - Compromise of principle or conviction is sin. - The path of least resistance is usually wrong. - Giving up is not an option. - What we do in inconsistency our children or grandchildren may adopt as a lifestyle. - Inconsistency will cause others to propagate what we preach against. - The progression of apostasy is inconsistency, then compromise, and finally unbelief. - We teach more by our consistency than by our convictions. - Learn to love what the Lord loves, and hate what He hates. - Satan never reveals the end of our actions. - There are no church buildings in the Bible, so that is not where our priority should be. - God's children find goodness in affliction if they do not rebel against it. - Afflictions are designed for our profit, not our pleasure. - Whatever causes our love for God to be diminished or distracted, He is jealous over.