Dr. Paul Fedena
Genesis 1:27
The title above is from God’s Holy Word, the Bible (Authorized Version 1611, or King James Bible, Genesis 1:27)
According to the internet, there are over 100 gender identities! I guess the omniscient Creator God didn’t know about all these when He created humans or perhaps, He was sexist or maybe He was simply homophobic or He was arithmetically challenged!
God didn’t create Adam and Steve, or Eve and Evelyn! He created Adam (male) and Eve (female)!
Our nation is being forced to reject the Bible as our authority in this and many other areas in 2022. We are witnessing the unraveling of America and a redefining of our roots and history. In the book The Velvet Revolution by Milan Kundra, Czeck writer resisting the Soviet takeover of Czechoslovakia, he wrote “the first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was.” Welcome to America 2022!
One of these steps is to erase our nation’s history of believing God’s Word and that begins in the beginning of the Creation of humankind. God only created 2 genders, male and female. If you question that fact, the next time you change your baby’s diaper, you will have the answer. Today that absolute dogma and fact is being cast aside. If you are questioning your own sexual identity, after a shower simply stand in front of a mirror before getting dressed and you will have your answer. (Of course you must do this before taking any medications or having any surgery to alter your sexuality.)
Now some foolish and brainwashed parents are not allowing a gender to be placed on their newborn’s birth certificate. They want the child to wait until they are about 18 years old to decide their own gender. Of course, by that time their own history in using the toilet, attraction to the opposite sex, etc. will have already decided the question for them…unless they have been taught otherwise by stupid adults.
To add to this tragedy our churches are accepting these changes without openly challenging them from the pulpit. As has been said, “In a time of universal deception, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Apparently Moses, Daniel, the 3 Hebrew children, the prophets et. al. should have kept their mouths shut and never questioned the powers that were.
The radicals know exactly what they are doing, even if a compliant media does not and a silent pulpit stays quiet. Real men of God, Bible believing preachers, should be regularly addressing this issue, along with Critical Race Theory, abortion, the LGBTQ agenda, history revision in the public schools, liberal colleges, etc.
Yes, Virginia, there really is a God and His infallible, inerrant and inspired Word and words speak clearly about the gender issue along with racism, abortion, etc. America must get back to her biblical roots or we will become unrecognize able as the “one nation under God” we were meant to be. Erasing genders will erase our existence and eliminate God’s blessings on America.
According to the internet, there are over 100 gender identities! I guess the omniscient Creator God didn’t know about all these when He created humans or perhaps, He was sexist or maybe He was simply homophobic or He was arithmetically challenged!
God didn’t create Adam and Steve, or Eve and Evelyn! He created Adam (male) and Eve (female)!
Our nation is being forced to reject the Bible as our authority in this and many other areas in 2022. We are witnessing the unraveling of America and a redefining of our roots and history. In the book The Velvet Revolution by Milan Kundra, Czeck writer resisting the Soviet takeover of Czechoslovakia, he wrote “the first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was.” Welcome to America 2022!
One of these steps is to erase our nation’s history of believing God’s Word and that begins in the beginning of the Creation of humankind. God only created 2 genders, male and female. If you question that fact, the next time you change your baby’s diaper, you will have the answer. Today that absolute dogma and fact is being cast aside. If you are questioning your own sexual identity, after a shower simply stand in front of a mirror before getting dressed and you will have your answer. (Of course you must do this before taking any medications or having any surgery to alter your sexuality.)
Now some foolish and brainwashed parents are not allowing a gender to be placed on their newborn’s birth certificate. They want the child to wait until they are about 18 years old to decide their own gender. Of course, by that time their own history in using the toilet, attraction to the opposite sex, etc. will have already decided the question for them…unless they have been taught otherwise by stupid adults.
To add to this tragedy our churches are accepting these changes without openly challenging them from the pulpit. As has been said, “In a time of universal deception, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Apparently Moses, Daniel, the 3 Hebrew children, the prophets et. al. should have kept their mouths shut and never questioned the powers that were.
The radicals know exactly what they are doing, even if a compliant media does not and a silent pulpit stays quiet. Real men of God, Bible believing preachers, should be regularly addressing this issue, along with Critical Race Theory, abortion, the LGBTQ agenda, history revision in the public schools, liberal colleges, etc.
Yes, Virginia, there really is a God and His infallible, inerrant and inspired Word and words speak clearly about the gender issue along with racism, abortion, etc. America must get back to her biblical roots or we will become unrecognize able as the “one nation under God” we were meant to be. Erasing genders will erase our existence and eliminate God’s blessings on America.