31 Stream Lane
Levittown, PA
[email protected]
Dear Praying Friends,
Greetings in His matchlessName!
It seems like we just did Thanksgiving and Christmas a couple of months ago, but here we go again. (Maybe time just goes faster as you get older???)
Let’s give you a recap of some recent happenings here at the Fedena “Nursing Home”. Shirley fell 4 times in one week which landed her in the hospital for a week and then they sent her to a rehab facility for aweek. That Saturday she came home and was only home for less than an hour when she fell getting out of the tub. I couldn’t get her up and called 9-1-1. They sent the ambulance with 2 men who had a tough time getting her up also. They took her back to the ER and they sent her back to rehab for another week. She “graduated” from a walker to a wheelchair and they put her on oxygen 24/7. I have had to do everything for her from morning through the night and since she was on oxygen I couldn’t go to a 2 day meeting for Pastor Phil Erickson at the Jersey Shore Baptist Church in Galloway, NJ. That is the first meeting I have canceled. I hope it is also the last.
Now she is doing therapy at home 4 days each week (1 hour each time), and we have an in home health care lady who comes 3 days per week to shower her and help me with some housework,etc. We have had a nutritionist come (since her blood sugar was above 400 one day) and I went shopping with her so I could see what she can and cannot eat. We have also had a social worker come to see what Medicare will cover. It is like a revolving door at our house these days.
Now for the good news. She is doing some better and is a little stronger so she can get in and out of the car with my assistance once again, she is off the oxygen most of the day now and only uses it when her level goes lower. My son-in-law, Jerry Lefevers has built a step which enables her to get in and out of the car and the shower. We want to thank each of you for praying forus. There is no other answer for her recovery!
Shirley is again on the walker now with me following her with a wheelchair. She is once again able to get into the shower with just my help. I am able to get her in and out of the car alone now (I had to have help before & that was a problem.)
I was able to take her to church with me and portable oxygen last Wed. night (where I am teaching Revelation verse-by-verse). I was a little nervous about taking her but I didn’t have anyone to sit with her at home. My kids all go to church on Wed.nights and I didn’t want to keep them from their ministries.
I was able to take her to church last Lord’s Day for the morning, but she wasn’t up to making it back for the PM service. However, this Sunday we were back in our places for both morning and evening.
Now for the better news. My granddaughter has enlisted people from our church and friends on a website called Meal Train and we have been showered with food! Whole meals. So much so that I have requested that they reduce the daily meals to Mon., Wed., and Friday only. We have great meals and great friends! This has been a real blessing! (I don’t cook and don’t want to learn J and Shirley isn’t able to cook.) This has also saved us money on groceries! What a nice bonus.
My three living children have been wonderful to us during this whole ordeal. Crystal, Dawn and Dan and their spouses have pitched in wherever they could. They were very faithful visiting in the hospital and in our home, and they too have provided delicious and plentiful meals.
Now for the best news. As long as she doesn’t need oxygen around the clock I can now travel again for meetings, even if they are overnight. I really thought my “circuit riding” days were over, but it now appears that I may have a little time left. (Hint to pastors! J) I knew also that without the income of meetings things would get really tight financially. And along with that,I knew that I would have to notify the couple of supporting churches and individuals we have and might also lose their support (understandably so, since they are supporting our ministry, not just us personally).
Again thank you for your prayer support. There were days when it was looking pretty grim, but with faithful friends like you and such a good pastor, great family,and church family, and a wonderful Savior, things are looking much brighter now.
We covet your continued prayer as we continue our ministry and our life till we go to heaven by the rapture or the release.
Sincerely in the Savior,
Pastor (e) Paul C. Fedena
Now also when I am old and gray headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have showed Thy strength unto this generation, and Thy power to every one that is to come. Psalm 71:18