THESIS: To show how the storms of life can help us build character and even elevate us.
A. It is nearly always better to bail the water out of the boat before bailing out of the boat itself! Don’t “go down with the ship” but as long as it is possible - stay in the boat and bail before going overboard. No matter how bad the storm you are generally safer in the boat.
B. This is a good general rule for life also: BAIL OUT THE WATER, BUT DON’T BAIL OUT! * Remember that God allows or sends the storms and they are designed by Him to accomplish certain purposes in our lives. * If we “bail out” we will never learn those lessons.
C. There are several kinds of storms God sent for His people recorded in His Word. Each of them had a different purpose and a different result. It could be that God has sent some storm into your life. You need to ask the purpose and attempt to learn from it.
James 1:3-5 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
A. Purged the World of Sin:
1. This was without doubt the largest storm ever! 2. The purpose of this storm was to cleanse the world of filth.
ILLUS.:The next purging storm God will send for the same purpose will be a fire storm! 💥The “Big Bang” hasn’t come – it is coming!
B. Purged Noah of Selfishness:
1. Storms have a broad purpose (above) and a specific purpose. 2. We usually see the broad purpose and often miss the specific purpose.
ILLUS.: ▶It was easy for Noah to see God’s broad purpose of purging the earth of sin and sinners. It was more difficult for him to see the more subtle and specific purpose of purging selfishness from his own life. ▶Noah was forced to focus on the animals he collected, but more importantly on the plight of the people around him! Not only were they sinners, but they were doomed sinners. Noah became the greatest potential soul-winner who ever lived.
A. This Storm Changed the Sailors Direction:
1. First they “cried every man to his god…” 1:5 2. Later the Scripture declares “the men feared the Lord exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice unto the Lord and made vows…” 1:16
NOTE: This was after Jonah’s confession “…I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you.”1:12 When the sailors realized that the Lord was the God of creation, they called upon Him. Could it be that YOUR storm and your reaction to it has been sent by God to help you reach your lost loved ones to Christ?
B. This Storm Changed Jonah’s Direction:
1. After 3 days in the “Whale Belly Bible Institute,” Jonah repents and asks “Which way to Nineveh?” 2. When the great storm came, Jonah:
a.Realized that God cared enough for him to send a storm to change his direction. b.Recognized that God’s focus is on His children and when they do wrong, others often suffer. c.Repented of his former disobedience & rebellion and changed his direction.
ILLUS.: ▶Perhaps YOU are in the midst of a storm God sent for you. ▶What is YOUR response? ▶Will others suffer because of your rebellion? ▶Will you realize that God loves you so much that He will do whatever it takes to get you into fellowship with Him? ▶Will you repent of your stubbornness and get back into God’s will?
A. Storms Reveal Cowardice or Develop Courage:
1. While the others in the boat were fearful, Peter got out of the boat and walked on water! 2. Our reaction & response to the storm is critical: we can either quiver and quit, or trust and triumph.
ILLUS.: There are two ways to view any storm. 1️⃣We can look up and see the black clouds or 2️⃣we can look out and see the Lord! 3️⃣We can huddle with the fearful or walk on water with the Lord. It will either be tragedy or triumph. When we trust in ourselves and only see the circumstances, we will sink. 4️⃣When we trust in the Lord and see His power, we can walk on the waves!
B. Storms Reveal Character Flaws or Develop Character:
1. When the winds are howling and the waves are raging and the storm is venting its fury upon us, we can either sink or walk on water. 2. The storm will show us what we really are or what we can be; it will show us our weakness or build our strength.
ILLUS.: Without this storm Peter would have never foud out what water-walking was about or what he could accomplish. He also learned that only the Lord could enable him to do what he did. The storm provoked Peter to replace fear with faith.
A. Paul the Prisoner: v.1 & 9-11
1. Everyone ignored the man-of-God aboard the ship…till the storm became violent. 2. No one wanted to listen to God’s man till the storm threatened to take away everything they held dear – including their lives. vv.14-20
ILLUS.: 💥I have often found that people are very complacent and ignore godly counsel, and shrug off sermons (like this one!)…till the storm threatens them! 💥Then my phone rings! When everything is smooth sailing (v.13), no one pays any attention to the preacher. 💥But when the storm comes his voice rises above the wind and waves and everyone listens. (v.21 – Paul says: “I told you so!”)
3. Paul’s voice was more than the voice of experience of victory in many storms, it was the voice of the man-of-God speaking with the wisdom of God.
B. Paul the Captain:
1. When the fearful sailors were going to abandon ship, Paul spoke up and the centurion gave orders to obey Paul. vv.30-32 2. After over 14 days of storm they all “escaped safe to land.” v.44
ILLUS.: Don’t wait till things get really bad to get in touch with the Lord, Who is the Captain of our salvation! Don’t only pray IN the storm, pray BEFORE the storm. Don’t wait till you are adrift at sea till you start reading God’s Word and being faithful. You need to invest now in God’s treasures so you will have the resource to weather the storm!
CONCL.: There is a reason & purpose for every storm in our lives. *Perhaps it is to purge us of some sin or selfishness. (Noah) * Maybe it is to get us going in the right direction. (Jonah) * It could be simply to increase our trust in the Lord. (Peter) * It may even promote us so we may more effectively serve the Lord and gain a larger hearing. (Paul)
Please learn to *BAIL OUT THE WATER, BUT DON’T BAIL OUT on the Lord. Deal with whatever God is speaking to you about in the storm and fix the problem. Don’t backslide because of the storm! The remedy for fear is faith.
It took a major storm in my life to get me to the place where I realized I needed the Lord. What about YOU?!