TEXT: Rev. 13:1,2
THESIS: To reveal the coming world dictator, the next President (?) of the world...the antichrist.
A. There is an excitement and at the same time a chill in the air. It is as if something spectacular, awesome or awful is about to occur. The world is in turmoil, people long for change, something - anything - anyone to get them out of the mess. They long for leadership. No one is emerging.
QUOTE: Henry Spaak, former Premier of Belgium, headquarters of the European Community or E.C. stated: "We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of significant stature to hold the allegiance of the people, and to lift us out of our economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man and be it God or the devil, we will receive him." !!!
B. Here in America we are seeking to elect a new President. But no one seems to address the real economic crisis, the situation in the Mideast, the problems of the environment, the spiraling costs of health-care, the abortion mess, the homosexual problem, AIDS, child abuse, etc. We are ripe for real help from any direction.
QUOTE: From the Book "One World" dealing with the New World Order and the E.C. and addressing the gloomy prospects brought about by devastating and lethal weapons, the economic mess worldwide: "...we are ripe for the deifying of any NEW CAESAR (!) who might succeed in giving world unity and peace." Enter the Antichrist!
TRANS: On January 1, 1993 the New World Order will become a reality in the entity known as the European Com-munity or E.C. As many as 12 nations have already signed up to surrender their sovereignty in exchange for one currency, one World Bank, 1 passport, 1 foreign policy, 1 high court, 1 Central Economic Control, 1 set of laws and ultimately ONE WORLD LEADER! The next President of the world!
NOTE: Prince Charles of Britain has already submitted his name as the King or President of the E.C.! But he doesn't qualify. The one who comes and takes the reins of world govt. will be Satan personified and Satan engerized.
A. His Ascension: "out of the sea..."
1. The "sea" is always the Mediterranean in prophetic Script. unless designated otherwise.
2. The "sea" is probably the "sea" of nations around the Mediterranean.
ILLUS: The 12 stars on the E.C. flag rep. Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, The U.K., Greece, Spain, Ireland, Luexemberg, Netherlands, Denmark and Portugal. Over time these will be reduced to 10 ("ten horns"). 7 of these are designated the industrial nations or "G-7". ("7 heads")!
B. His Description:
1. He is a "beast LIKE...leopard...a bear...a lion..."i.e. his origin speaks of 3 of the world empires described in Dan. 7 (Greece, a leopard 7:6, Medo-Persia, a bear 7:5, Babylon, a lion 7:4).
2. He is a Gentile leader coming out of the Revived Roman Empire.
II. HIS POWER: V.2b, 3
A. Its Source: v.2b
1. The "dragon" is Satan and he energizes the Antichrist.
2. Because Satan is the power of this world system he has great "power and his seat (throne) and great authority."
B. Its Strength: v.3
1. He is apparently resurrected after being assassinated.
2. This gives him even greater status and power in "all the world"!
ILLUS: Imagine the headlines! "World President Resurrected!" Assassination attempt fails. Heads of state on hand for the viewing of the body were astonished when Pres. Judas sat up in the casket! He immediately gave credit to his god while discrediting the God worshipped by the Bible believing troublemakers who he said had been deported to another planet for their own good. cf. v.5,6
3. The result is open Satan worship. v.3
NOTE: Compare v.12-15 Satan is a supernatural creature who wants worship, dedication and devotion. Religion is his primary source of converts! As a "god" he has fantastic, supernatural, miracle-working power!
A. The Fiscal Solution: v.16,17
QUOTE: Standardization News: "In 1993...all regulated products (will require) the E.C. mark to be affixed to the regulated product in order to circulate it thru-out the E.C. One cannot market or sell a product unless it has the E.C. mark." !!!
ILLUS: In a secular magazine Senior Scholastic (9/20/73!) entitled "Public Needs and Private Rights - Who is Watching You? stated" All buying and selling...will be done by computer. No currency, no change, no checks...people would receive a number... assigned... and tattooed in their wrist or forehead.
The number is put on by a laser beam and cannot be felt...(cannot) be seen... and is as permanent as your finger-prints... The computer outlet in the store which picks up the number on the items at the check-stand will also pick up the number in the person's body and automatically total the price and deduct the amount from the person's 'Special Drawing Rights' account."
B. The Final Solution: "to overcome them..."
NOTE: Every passage dealing with the Antichrist emphasizes his victories over the saints!
Dan. 7:21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;
Dan. 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints...
NOTE: But God will intervene on behalf of His own...
Mt. 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
TRANS: And this brings us to the great pitfall of the Antichrist. God has a plan and just when all seems to be going Satan's way, the Lord will step in...
IV. HIS PITFALL: Rev. 19:11-21
NOTE: God's "Final Solution" is really final! Like some mystery novel that builds to a fantastically exciting climax, God's Word leaves no question unanswered, no loose ends to be taken care of, no rebel free, no saint unrewarded and His Son reigning supreme!
CONCL: Yes, the next President may not be who you think he will be, nor whom you plan to vote for. "THE NEXT PRESIDENT" may be the Antichrist. Thank God we will be gone before he assumes power.
👉👁🗨Believers are not looking forward to "THE NEXT PRESIDENT" they are looking for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
THESIS: To reveal the coming world dictator, the next President (?) of the world...the antichrist.
A. There is an excitement and at the same time a chill in the air. It is as if something spectacular, awesome or awful is about to occur. The world is in turmoil, people long for change, something - anything - anyone to get them out of the mess. They long for leadership. No one is emerging.
QUOTE: Henry Spaak, former Premier of Belgium, headquarters of the European Community or E.C. stated: "We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of significant stature to hold the allegiance of the people, and to lift us out of our economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man and be it God or the devil, we will receive him." !!!
B. Here in America we are seeking to elect a new President. But no one seems to address the real economic crisis, the situation in the Mideast, the problems of the environment, the spiraling costs of health-care, the abortion mess, the homosexual problem, AIDS, child abuse, etc. We are ripe for real help from any direction.
QUOTE: From the Book "One World" dealing with the New World Order and the E.C. and addressing the gloomy prospects brought about by devastating and lethal weapons, the economic mess worldwide: "...we are ripe for the deifying of any NEW CAESAR (!) who might succeed in giving world unity and peace." Enter the Antichrist!
TRANS: On January 1, 1993 the New World Order will become a reality in the entity known as the European Com-munity or E.C. As many as 12 nations have already signed up to surrender their sovereignty in exchange for one currency, one World Bank, 1 passport, 1 foreign policy, 1 high court, 1 Central Economic Control, 1 set of laws and ultimately ONE WORLD LEADER! The next President of the world!
NOTE: Prince Charles of Britain has already submitted his name as the King or President of the E.C.! But he doesn't qualify. The one who comes and takes the reins of world govt. will be Satan personified and Satan engerized.
A. His Ascension: "out of the sea..."
1. The "sea" is always the Mediterranean in prophetic Script. unless designated otherwise.
2. The "sea" is probably the "sea" of nations around the Mediterranean.
ILLUS: The 12 stars on the E.C. flag rep. Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, The U.K., Greece, Spain, Ireland, Luexemberg, Netherlands, Denmark and Portugal. Over time these will be reduced to 10 ("ten horns"). 7 of these are designated the industrial nations or "G-7". ("7 heads")!
B. His Description:
1. He is a "beast LIKE...leopard...a bear...a lion..."i.e. his origin speaks of 3 of the world empires described in Dan. 7 (Greece, a leopard 7:6, Medo-Persia, a bear 7:5, Babylon, a lion 7:4).
2. He is a Gentile leader coming out of the Revived Roman Empire.
II. HIS POWER: V.2b, 3
A. Its Source: v.2b
1. The "dragon" is Satan and he energizes the Antichrist.
2. Because Satan is the power of this world system he has great "power and his seat (throne) and great authority."
B. Its Strength: v.3
1. He is apparently resurrected after being assassinated.
2. This gives him even greater status and power in "all the world"!
ILLUS: Imagine the headlines! "World President Resurrected!" Assassination attempt fails. Heads of state on hand for the viewing of the body were astonished when Pres. Judas sat up in the casket! He immediately gave credit to his god while discrediting the God worshipped by the Bible believing troublemakers who he said had been deported to another planet for their own good. cf. v.5,6
3. The result is open Satan worship. v.3
NOTE: Compare v.12-15 Satan is a supernatural creature who wants worship, dedication and devotion. Religion is his primary source of converts! As a "god" he has fantastic, supernatural, miracle-working power!
A. The Fiscal Solution: v.16,17
QUOTE: Standardization News: "In 1993...all regulated products (will require) the E.C. mark to be affixed to the regulated product in order to circulate it thru-out the E.C. One cannot market or sell a product unless it has the E.C. mark." !!!
ILLUS: In a secular magazine Senior Scholastic (9/20/73!) entitled "Public Needs and Private Rights - Who is Watching You? stated" All buying and selling...will be done by computer. No currency, no change, no checks...people would receive a number... assigned... and tattooed in their wrist or forehead.
The number is put on by a laser beam and cannot be felt...(cannot) be seen... and is as permanent as your finger-prints... The computer outlet in the store which picks up the number on the items at the check-stand will also pick up the number in the person's body and automatically total the price and deduct the amount from the person's 'Special Drawing Rights' account."
B. The Final Solution: "to overcome them..."
NOTE: Every passage dealing with the Antichrist emphasizes his victories over the saints!
Dan. 7:21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;
Dan. 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints...
NOTE: But God will intervene on behalf of His own...
Mt. 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
TRANS: And this brings us to the great pitfall of the Antichrist. God has a plan and just when all seems to be going Satan's way, the Lord will step in...
IV. HIS PITFALL: Rev. 19:11-21
NOTE: God's "Final Solution" is really final! Like some mystery novel that builds to a fantastically exciting climax, God's Word leaves no question unanswered, no loose ends to be taken care of, no rebel free, no saint unrewarded and His Son reigning supreme!
CONCL: Yes, the next President may not be who you think he will be, nor whom you plan to vote for. "THE NEXT PRESIDENT" may be the Antichrist. Thank God we will be gone before he assumes power.
👉👁🗨Believers are not looking forward to "THE NEXT PRESIDENT" they are looking for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!