31 Stream Lane
Levittown, PA 19055-2220
[email protected]
Dear Praying Friends,
February 26, 2016
Greetings in His matchless Name!
It has been a while since most of you have heard from us. (Probably a good thing!) So, we thought it might be about time to let you know we are still alive and kicking (mostly kicking). We send our love you all of our friends (you) and pray for many of you daily. We trust you feel the power of our prayers in your life. For those of you who remember to pray for us, we send our manifold thanks! It is your prayers that keep us going.
Other than a few ups and downs – who doesn’t have those? – we are doing pretty well for old folks. This week I was in the hospital ER due to severe vertigo. Nasty! But it is improving. I drove and preached all day on Sunday with my head spinning. No one seemed to notice. I don’t know if that is good or bad. J Shirley continues to have good and bad and very bad days. The pain, when it hits suddenly, is severe. It is due to her poly (everywhere) myalgia (pain). She always has a little pain, but when that hits it is excruciating for her. We never know when, but it is usually twice each day.
Sunday we were ministering at the Bible Baptist Church in Clementon with good results. I taught a Sun. Schl. Lesson entitiled “What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do” from 2 Chron. 20, the AM message was “NOT FOR SALE!” (Naboth’s vineyard & Queen Vashti’s purity), and the evening message on forgiveness was “Cancel Your Debts To Receive Your Rewards” using Mark 11:25,26 as a starting point. Brother Andy Reece is the good pastor there. (He still needs to work part time at this point and I admonished the church that God says emphatically: “They that preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel.”)
It has now been 14 years for us since retiring from the pastoral ministry and God has been so good to us!!!! We have been blessed in meeting many new friends as we travel with God’s Word. God’s people have also been good to us in supplying our needs, with several churches faithfully supporting us financially, with just enough meetings to make ends meet and blessing us on a daily basis. In order to keep our heads above water we need a minimum of two meetings each month. At present we have far too many open dates. Perhaps you could help us pray in some meetings in your church. Of course it may be that I am just too old and ugly and folks don’t want to see or hear me anymore, but I believe I have something still to offer and with the wisdom of years in the ministry, God uses this old man and his wife to continue to be a blessing.
I continue to begin the day in reading and studying God’s Word and spending prolonged time in prayer, of course, but I now have the opportunity and time to do more study than I did with the pressures of the pastoral ministry. I try to stay fresh by keeping up with what is going on in the world and matching that with God’s prophetic program for the church and the world. I send out many cards to the sick, mourning, needy and afflicted. I prepare lessons and messages for future use, along with matching Powerpoint presentations. I am still going soul-winning on Saturdays and teaching adults in Sunday School in our home church each week we are in town. I am presently doing an in-depth series on the Life of Elijah – the Prophet of Fire.
My pastor, Louis Guarneri, is so gracious in sharing his pulpit with me. He is even allowing me the honor in March to serve the Lord’s Supper. (I miss that.) We have made many friends there and are enjoying the luxuries of our own new building. We are seeing souls saved, baptisms, and our preacher has started a 14 week discipleship class for the new babes. His burden is to see more souls saved and discipled, to see more churches planted in the Northeast, and to see our Sunday Morning crowd return on Sunday night and Wednesday night.
I will close with a plea to every pastor and church member to pray about having me come in for a Prophecy Conference, a King James Bible Seminar, a series on the home, a Creation Conference, and evangelistic and/or revival meeting – or even just a one Sunday day of teaching and preaching. Please pray about this if you would.
Since I am chief cook and bottle washer (and yes, I do windows too!), I also have to spend time daily taking care of Shirley and the home. As you know I refuse to learn to cook – or at least to do so from scratch. Praise the Lord for my kids and my granddaughter who provide regular meals for us, along with the folks from our church family who contribute finances to Mr. Frank Harper, who in turn shops for food for us and even delivers it to our home! (Don’t be jealous. God will do the same for you when you need it. He is faithful who promised “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.”
Above all, keep looking UP! Don’t get discouraged. And keep on serving our Savior.
Sincerely in the Savior,
Pastor (e) Paul C. Fedena
P.S. We need to be much in prayer for our beloved America in this upcoming Presidential election. If we get what we deserve it will be Queen Hillary or “Hiel Bernie!” (Hitler was a Socialist and so was Stalin). The U.S. butchers 4000 babies each day! (God hates the shedding of innocent blood). We have been thumbing our nose at God and removing Him from our public life for the last 40 years (the nations that forget God will be turned into hell), we have embraced same sex marriage (every nation that has supported the homosexual agenda has ceased to exist), and of course we have signed a treaty with Israel’s and the U.S.’s prime enemy Iran to give them $150 BILLION to enable them to build a nuclear arsenal (the Abrahamic Covenant is still in effect and God will curse those who curse Him)! Our only hope is God’s continuing super grace. PLEASE PRAY!!