Greetings in His matchless Name!
Well, my Cyberknife high dose radiation treatments are over and most of the side-effects are past, so I am ready to go again. Frankly my calendar looks pretty sparse at this point. Perhaps the Lord knew I needed the time off to recover. (Ya think?!)
In any event, I am geared and ready to go. I am excited about the subject of Heaven as never before. I can do an entire Sunday (all three services) on that subject or if you prefer a Sun. through Wed. There is perhaps no greater subject for the believer, and yet there seems to be a dearth of knowledge on the subject and a minimum of preaching from most of our fundamental pulpits. The Theology of Heaven is surely worth our diligent study. Pastor Sal Yannizzi of Valley Baptist Church just booked me for what he is billing as a "Heaven On Earth" Sunday. Of course there is no new revelation on the subject, but the Lord has opened the Scriptures for me to a deeper understanding and I am anxious to share it with preachers and churches. (Nothing "far out" - just greater insight and 100% biblical.)
I believe the book of Genesis is foundational. Every doctrine has its roots there. The Lord is not just our Redeemer (praise the Lord He is that!), but also the Creator. I enjoy doing Creation Conferences and I have found that God's people are excited about that subject as well, and are some of the best attended meetings. I have prepared a wealth of material along with a ton of visuals for this purpose. I do my best to make it informative, inspirational, challenging and fun. My last one was in Easton, PA with Pastor Gilmore and his good people and the interest was high with a good solid attendance for every service (Sun. through Wed.). You can check with him for a recommendation. I even had a LIVING DINOSAUR in the services! (The adults as well as the kids wanted to touch him.)
Of course after 53 years of preaching I am able to deal with just about any biblical subject with some capability. I have recently completed a Sun. through Wed. Revival for Pastor Jon Hawkins in the Lake George, NY area with some good results. His testimony was that it was the best meeting he has had. He is doing a great work there in a hard area and has such a great and loving family. It was a joy for my wife and I to spend time fellowshipping with them.
Now that I am cancer free I am looking forward to seeing you and being in your church and beginning the next phase in my ministry. I am praying that you will see fit to invite me to your church soon.
Sincerely in the Savior,
Pastor (e) Paul C. Fedena