THESIS: To reveal why the nations of the world are anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, and anti-Christ.
INTRO.: A. The world is anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Semitic, and anti-Israel. The “heathen” (nations) rage against her. Part of the reason is that Israel is a part of “the Promised Land” guaranteed to Abraham and his seed. Thus jealousy is a part of their hatred, but the world’s rage is really supernatural in origin. You cannot explain Anti-semitism apart from Satan’s desire to rule the universe. He is jealous of God and His position and thus jealous and against anything or anyone God bestows His grace, mercy and love upon. B. Because of God’s love and Satan’s hatred Israel is always in the news – it is always a “hot spot” in world affairs. While the focus is on Iraq, or some other nation, Governments must always keep one eye on Israel.
Why is she so important? It is not because her…
✡National Resources: Golda Meir once Prime Minister of Israel quipped: “Moses wasn’t too smart. He led our people to the one place in the Mid East where there is no oil.”
✡Population: Only 6,500,00 (One million of which are Arabs).
✡Geographical Size: Her Arab neighbors (& enemies!) – Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia – are 292 times the size of Israel! If you count China, a major future enemy, it swells to 754 times. Add Russia in the count and it balloons to 1576 times the size of tiny Israel with land mass smaller than New Jersey!
✡Monotheistic Religion: Islam and Christianity are also monotheistic.
✡Military Might: She has a dedicated, well-trained and equipped army, but because of her size could only fight a short-term war.
✡Expansionist Goals: In fact, she constantly compromises with her major enemies to keep the peace and retain most of her land.
✡National Achievements: She is highly advanced in modern technology, but because of her size and scope she cannot compare with major world powers.
ILLUS.: Some suggest that it is ✔because Christ was born in Israel & that no doubt is an underlying cause of her importance, but doesn’t adequately explain her present world status in world affairs. ✔Others speak of her gift of the Holy Scriptures to the world, and though it is true that without God’s Word mankind is like a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn’t there, but the last Scripture was penned over 2000 years ago and doesn’t explain Israel’s present world significance. The truth is that…
A. It’s All About Government:
1. Satan’s original hatred was engendered because of jealousy and pride.
a. He wanted to be like the “Most High” – he craved God’s sovereign rule. b. He wanted to dethrone God and enthrone himself.
Isaiah 14:12-14 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
c. He was “dethroned” and cast out of heaven to the earth; the rest is history…
ILLUS.: The word “dominion” speaks of authority, or rule. Adam had it and failed; Noah had it and failed; Nimrod tried to usurp it and failed (Tower of Babel). Then God separated Abraham to create a new nation which would bless the inhabitants of planet earth. After man’s failed experiment with governing himself under the Judges, Israel demanded a king like the nations around them. Saul was their choice, David was God’s choice. After David’s son Solomon, the nation split into 2 kingdoms. Because of the nations failure they were taken captive and were subjected to Gentile rule under Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome (“the times of the Gentiles” began – during this time there has been no KING in Israel, and from Roman domination till the present there has been no prophet, priest, altar, sacrifice, or Temple in Israel). Then came Christ to present Himself as their King. So the “times of the Gentiles continue to the present day.
2. Satan’s plan to dethrone God and to thwart Christ’s coming throughout Israel’s history backfired and at the cross Christ bruised Satan’s head (authority, rule). 3. Satan’s offer to Jesus of the “kingdoms of the world” failed! Mt. 4:8,9,10 4. Thus the next event on the prophetic calendar (column #2) kicks in (Rapture).
a. Because of Israel’s failure to accept Christ’s rule and authority and Kingdom,they will be targeted in the Tribulation (“Jacob’s trouble”). b. The Tribulation will end with Armageddon when all the nations of the earth will “rage” against Israel (this battle decides “who will rule over whom”). Ps. 2
A. The Bad News: The Nations, Kings & Rulers Rage (“assemble tumultuously”). vv.1-3
1. Presently we see the manifestation of this rage against Israel shaping up:
a. Jerusalem is Israel’s capital, but no nation has an embassy there! (Tel-Aviv) b. Israel is non-existent on all the maps in Arab (Muslim) lands! c. The United Nations (!) opposes Israel and Jerusalem! d. The European Union opposes Israel! e. America has opposed Israel moving against the “Palestinians”! f. America pushes Israel to make Jerusalem the “Palestinians” capital! g. The religious denominations oppose Israel! (Pres. U.S.A.!) h. The Pope and the Roman Catholic Church opposes Israel!
B. The Good News: The Lord Has the Last Laugh: vv. 4-12 (Zech.12)
1. The nations assemble against Jerusalem, but God laughs. vv. 1,2 2. The nations that attempt to remove the Jews from the land will themselves be hurt and the Lord will laugh. v.3 3. Israel will be defended from the nations by the Lord Himself, and the “feeble” Jews will receive Divine strength, and God will laugh! v.8 4. God Himself will come to Israel’s aid and destroy the nations & He will laugh! v.9 5. The final laugh will come when those nations which are left upon the earth will have to go up to Jerusalem to Israel’s rebuilt Temple “to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles! Zech. 14:16
CONCL.: During the Tribulation Christ will take back dominion of the planet when He takes the Title Deed to earth back to Himself. The usurper will no longer be the “god of this world” or the “prince of the power of the air” and he and the nations who have followed him in rebellion will be finally be cast into the lake of fire! Christ will be worshiped as King of King and Lord of Lords!