Dear Praying Friends,
Greetings in His matchless Name!
Well, it’s that time again. No, not time for the Fedena Flyer, but Income Tax time! Hurry and get your taxes filed. Millions of free-loaders are depending on us!
Actually it is time for this Flyer. I will give you a somewhat brief overview of the Fedenas and their current escapades and activities.
As I write this Shirley is still in the hospital with pneumonia. We are seeing some slow progress and our hope is that she will be able to come home tomorrow to continue her rehab. She has lost a bit more memory, but hopefully that is only due to her strange surroundings in the hospital. Please pray for her physical and mental health.
I have had a painful procedure dealing with the after effects of my radiation which were very limiting and uncomfortable. They discovered that my urinary tract is enlarged and inflamed due to the radiation treatments. (There were not supposed to be any lasting side effects to CyberKnife! Yeah, right!) They have placed me on 4 new medications and they are helping to control things.
Getting old is not for sissies, as you have heard, so do your best to avoid it. Especially pray for the Rapture! The other option is often not desirable – even though necessary.
Speaking of old, let me bring you up to date about some of our family members. Not only do we have 4 children, but 11 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren! Our kids, you might remember are Crystal (married to Jerry Lefevers with 4 children), Dawn (married to Steve Roy with 3 children), Dan (married to Amy [Allinson] with 2 children) and Dean (married to Lizzette [Bonilla] with 2 children). Of course Dean is now in heaven and though we will see him again, we think of him every day of our lives, with both hurt and hope.
Crystal and Jerry are quite proud of their oldest, Paul, who is the Dean of Men at Pensacola Christian College, who has three children, Amelia and a set of 2 year old twins, John and Julia. Their other sons are Jason, the unmarried hold out, also living in Pensacola, and Stephen who is married and living in Kentucky with his wife and two children. Their daughter, Stephanie, will be married at Harbor Baptist in NJ in July.
Dawn and Steve live in Langhorne, PA near us and have one married son, Justin who has a lovely and sweet wife – another Stephanie. He is presently in Germany with the US Army and will be home this week, Lord willing. Their other two children are Allie (Alexandra) who is in the 11thgrade, and Westley who is a senior in H.S.
Dan and Amy live in Fairless Hills across the street from the church I pastored for 31 years. Their daughter is Taylor, a spitting image of her mother, who is also graduating from H.S. this year. Their son is Dylan is in fifth grade and is just like his dad.
Dean’s wife has chosen to disconnect from our family since our son’s death and that has cut us off from their two sons, Mickey and Dean. That really hurts us. They live in Wernersville, PA. Mickey contacts us from time to time and he has graduated from H.S. and works as an EMT and wants to go into the Marines. We know very little about young Dean since he lives with his mother who refuses to even deliver birthday cards, gifts, etc. to him. Very heart breaking.
We are still on the road whenever and wherever we are invited – among Bible believing churches. Our calendar at present is pretty sparse, but the Lord will not let us down. We have been there several times in the past and then the phone rings with a meeting(s). We have recently completed several good meetings including a 4 Sunday prophecy conference with Pastor David Peterman who pastors an inner city ministry, the Christ Ind. Baptist Church in Phila. He has become a good friend and we enjoy fellowship on a Bible knowledge basis. He is refreshing and helps iron to sharpen iron.
We are enjoying our union with Straightway Baptist Church in Princeton with Pastor Louis Guarneri. We are making some new friends there and I get to teach and preach at least monthly there.
It seems as though the devil is actively attacking preachers these days with physical and even spiritual problems. Please pray for Pastors Clark, Hays, Gilmore, Wedemeyer, LoTurco, Hummel, Higgins, McCullough and Guarneri. We do every day.
This Flyer has been admittedly quite different and may bore some of you with our family information, but I felt you needed this update.
We wish to thank each of you for your prayers and ministry support. You are our lifeline and a blessing and enable us to keep going. We don’t want to quit the battle as long as we are able. May the Lord bless you and your ministry is our earnest prayer.
Sincerely in the Savior,
Pastor (e) Paul C. Fedena