FEDENA FLYER 2018 Have a great Christmas Season!
Dear Praying Friends,
Greetings in His matchless Name!
Well, here we are again and another year is passing. Praise the Lord for friends like you who make our life and ministry possible by your prayers. We know the clock is ticking faster and we will soon join the saints above and those we love – including you - one day in the glory land.
The two verses above are my (P.F.) personal favorite verses. I have had enough of corrupt politics and human government, as I am sure you have. That “holy child Jesus” (Acts 2:47, 4:30) will soon ascend the throne of God and rule and reign with “a rod of iron” (inflexible justice) and depending on our faithfulness and service down here we will rule and reign with Him! He will not be just the King of Kings, but will wear all the titles in the above verses. What a Savior!
I continue to teach and preach whenever and wherever the Lord opens the door. I teach the adult S.S. class in our home church due to the generosity of our pastor, Louis Guarneri at the Straightway Baptist Church (ya gotta love that church title! ) Then each month I get to preach in a Sunday service. Due to health limitations with Shirley we don’t travel much these days. Daily and “from house to house” I knock on doors and pass out tracts and witness in our neighborhood, grocery store, etc.. We also have Physical Therapists come to our home and we both have an opportunity to speak to them about our Savior. They are a captive audience! (Roman Catholics) Recently I was able to give a Hebrew/English New Testament (Covenant) edition to our Jewish Dr. provided by our pastor. He is a very nice man and has been our family doctor for many years. Please pray with us that he will read the New Testament and get saved. (Romans 10:17) We have witnessed to him for years and have sent Jewish holiday cards to him with Scripture as well. Recently we had three adults come forward for salvation at Pastor McCullough’s good and growing church in Willingboro, N.J.
We really miss our daughter Crystal and her family and Dawn and some of her family. They have both moved to Florida.
Dawn has a job in a home health care start-up company in West Palm Beach and Crystal’s husband Jerry and their son-in – law Andrew plan to “flip” houses in the Pensacola area. (Jerry has been in home construction for years in Penna.) Also our granddaughter Stephanie and her two children (soon to be three!) and her husband Andrew have also moved to Pensacola. We miss all of them greatly. Only our son Dan and his family are nearby. Although our grandson Stephen and his wife Linda have moved here from Kentucky temporarily and we have gotten to know them and their three children much better. They have been a great help to us recently with meals and technical issues.
Shirley and I want to wish you a blessed Christmas and a spiritually prosperous New Year 2019. We will see you here, there or in-the-air! Keep looking UP!
Sincerely in the Savior,
Pastor (emeritus) Paul and Shirley Fedena