THESIS: To reveal to saints & sinners alike that they must trust in Christ alone & not in their works, religion or knowledge.
INTRO.: A. The Transfiguration of Christ is a unique experience, but those involved: Jesus, Moses & Elijah are often mentioned together (as are Peter, James & John).
1. All 3 are associated w/a Mountain (Sinai, Carmel, & Calvary). 2. All 3 fast for 40 days. 4. All 3 stand in “the presence of the Lord.” 5. All 3 are sent to minister to Israel. 6. All 3 crossed water miraculously. 7. All 3 were associated w/the river Jordan. 8. All 3 personally selected someone to minister in their place (Joshua, Elisha & the Holy Spirit.) 9. All 3 destroy their enemies with fire which obeys their spoken command. 10. All 3 have power over the natural elements & are associated w/miracles. 11. All 3 are associated with Israel in the Tribulation Period.
B. Here we find Moses & Elijah again w/Christ. Here, Peter, James & John witness the glory & majesty of Christ as He will appear in Israel’s Golden Age (The Millennium). When they ascended the Mountain they went up with “Jesus only” & after the Transfiguration (v.8), again they were left w/ “Jesus only” or “JUST JESUS.”
TRANS.: We are “JUST DUST” therefore all we need is “JUST JESUS!”
I. “JUST JESUS” SEEMS INSUFFICIENT AT TIMES: v.8 ILLUS.: 🔶Someone calls & tells of their broken home & my prescription is “JUST JESUS.” 🔶Another comes & tells of his broken heart & my remedy is “JUST JESUS.” 🔶Others speak of broken dreams & my solution is “JUST JESUS.” **How simplistic it seems. How insufficient it appears to the natural mind. (1 Cor.2:14)
💨 The disciples were on the Mt. top w/Moses, Elijah, & Jesus, & had experienced what no mortal had seen, the vision of the Lawgiver, the Prophet of Israel & the Messiah…together! 💨Now they were back to “JUST JESUS.” How quickly they had to come down from the Mt. 💨They wanted to stay & build 3 tabernacles (v.5) & as soon as that suggestion was made 💨They put Moses & Elijah on the same level as Jesus), Moses & Elijah disappear & they are left, & ... 💨They must be content with, “JUST JESUS!”
A. “JUST JESUS”Is Better Than No Jesus!
They might have looked up & saw no-one! They would have departed w/many questions & no Teacher. They would have gone down w/no Champion against Satan. v.14-29 They would have descended w/no Wise Man to face the Pharisees & their other enemies. They would have left the Mt. w/out a Shepherd to care for their needs.
ILLUS.: Many are like the disciples who are exhilarated for a period & lifted up to the mountain top on Sunday & then suddenly Mon. AM the thrill is gone & you are left w/“JUST JESUS!”
Others are like those who come out of a liturgical church & were satisfied for a while w/ “JUST JESUS” but became disenchanted & returned to the rituals & relics. He said “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Trust Him alone! The Church is not decapitated…the Living Head lives w/in us - Moses & Elijah are gone but Jesus is still here.
A. “JUST JESUS” is Better Than “Just Moses.”
His face would have shone, his person would have awed them: But who would exchange the light of the moon for that of the sun? Who would exchange the cold moonbeams of Moses for the sunny rays of the Savior?
He was the Great Lawgiver of Israel, but… Who would exchange law for love? Who would exchange a man-of-God for the God-man? Who would exchange types & symbols for substance & reality? ILLUS.: Many prefer ritual to the Rose of Sharon, symbolism to the Savior, Law to the Lamb of God, antiquity to the Ancient of Days, the signs of the Zodiac to the Bright & Morning Star, priest-craft to the High Priest. They talk of Jesus, but see MOSES ONLY!
He was the leader of a mighty nation, but… Who would prefer the Law-giver to the Law-Fulfiller? Who would prefer the sights of Sinai to the Christ of Calvary?
ILLUS.: Many prefer their own righteousness to imputed righteousness. Many prefer Moses only to JESUS ONLY. They prefer the thunders & lightnings on Sinai to the tears & love of Calvary.
C. “JUST JESUS”is Better Than “Just Elijah”:
*His countenance would have given them strength: *But who would prefer the lion’s roar of Elijah to the Lamb’s gentle invitation? *Who would prefer the fiery vengeance of Mt. Carmel to the tear-stained Garden of Gethsemane?
ILLUS.: But many prefer “Elijah Only” to “JESUS ONLY!” Prophecies of the future fascinate them more than thoughts of present salvation & victory over sin.
*His courage would have challenged them: a. But who would prefer the preparer over the Prince of Peace? b. But who would exchange the brightness of the sun for the dim light of a candle?
ILLUS.: Some prefer “Elijah Only.” They stand at the threshold of salvation, but never enter the door. They halt between 2 opinions while admiring those who are decisive. So near the feast, yet starving; so near the Kingdom, yet standing outside.
D.“JUST JESUS” is better than “Just Moses, Elijah & Jesus:”
**Moses could preach Law & make men tremble, then Jesus could follow w/His Gospel of grace & truth. Elijah could call down fire from heaven & then Jesus could lift the humbled spirits of the seekers.
ILLUS.: But it is better to look up & see “JUST JESUS” than Moses, Elijah & Jesus! When it is night we can look up & see the stars & moon, but when the sun comes up they disappear in its brightness. The ceremonies are fulfilled in “JUST JESUS” & the prophecies are fulfilled in “JUST JESUS.” It is better to see Moses & Elijah IN Christ than to see them WITH Christ.
But some prefer the nursery & crib to manhood & maturity. Moses & Elijah must decrease, but Christ must increase till it is “JESUS ONLY!”
⩥ “JUST JESUS” 1. Is Sufficient for Comfort From Fear: Mt.17:5-8 Moses was gone & could impart no comfort: the Law is a curse. Elijah was gone & could impart no consolation: Prophecy is insufficient.
⩥ "JUST JESUS” 2. Is Sufficient for Salvation From Sin: Jesus alone is your Sin-bearer – a “greater than Moses is come.” Jesus alone is your Savior – a “greater than Elijah is come.”
⩥ “JUST JESUS” 3. Is Sufficient for Power For Living: vv.28,29 Moses’ Law could not provide either salvation or power to live for God. Elijah’s prophecies could not provide spiritual power to serve God.
ILLUS.: Moses could not guarantee Israel’s strength. Elijah’s fire-from-heaven was spectacular, but only Christ could impart His Holy spirit & His power to us. Acts 1:8
⩥ “JUST JESUS” 4. Is Sufficient for Strength In Our Weakness: “JESUS ONLY” is the strength for martyrs. “JESUS ONLY is the victorious One…He even conquered death.
⩥ “JUST JESUS” 5. Is Sufficient for Faith In Time Of Death: His grace is sufficient as we face the death of others. His grace will be sufficient when we face our own death.
⩥ “JUST JESUS” 6. Is Sufficient For Rewards In Heaven: There are no rewards for keeping the Law of Moses. There are no rewards for knowing eschatology.
CONCL.: Christ is sufficient for you in life & death… ⩥ ”JUST JESUS!” Quit trying to keep the Law & trust in ⩥ “JUST JESUS!” Quit trying to unlock the secrets of the future & trust in - ⩥ “JUST JESUS!”
Unsaved, get your eyes off Mt. Sinai & Mt. Carmel & ON to Mt. Calvary & JUST JESUS!